Community organisations pitch in for social housing tenants
16 December 2024
A once under-utilised green space in Masterton has been transformed into a new playbox, planter boxes and a community noticeboard – thanks to local community groups and businesses banding together.
“Partnering with local organisations, businesses and our customers is pivotal in building thriving neighbourhoods,” says Vicki McLaren, Kāinga Ora Regional Director, Greater Wellington Region. “The ideas for this space came from local Kāinga Ora and Emerge Aotearoa tenants, and this partnership has helped to bring their ideas to life creating a fun, interactive space the whole neighbourhood can benefit from.”
Kāinga Ora, Nuku Ora, Mens Shed, Switched On Housing and RHS Robinson’s Handyman Services have partnered to create a new community space on lorns Street North, with each group each playing their own important role.
Switched On Housing Trade Manager, Scott Taylor says it’s been so positive to see so many local people come together behind this kaupapa.
The Switched On team has generated donations of seeds, fertiliser, kai for the opening, and sporting and gardening equipment.
“Our Switched On Housing Trade Partner RHS has been incredibly supportive and has even helped source concrete free of charge from Higgins Concrete,” Scott says. “We can’t wait to see the green space full of people, life and veges.”
Volunteers from the Masterton Mens Shed helped build the planter boxes and community notice board. "The blokes at the Masterton Mens Shed take pride in what they can do to support others in our community, and this project is just another example of their collaboration and skills benefiting others locally," says John Bush, Mens Shed Coordinator/Manager.

John from Mens Shed and Ruvi from Kāinga Ora next to the new community noticeboard and playbox
The Council-owned green space in the centre of the development was previously underutilised. To help generate ideas from tenants about how they would like to use the space in the future, Nuku Ora and Kāinga Ora have hosted a range of fun activities over the last nine months.
“Utilising tākaro has been such a great way to bring play to life for the residents of Irons Street North and their whānau,” says Nuku Ora Empowered Community Manager Antonia Kilmister-Thompson.
“This mahi is about more than just having fun – it’s about building community connections, sparking creativity, and creating moments for tamariki and their whānau to come together and thrive. Activities like bubble play and nature scavenger hunts have brought so much joy and laughter each week. It’s been an absolute privilege to see the smiles, share in the laughter, and be part of a community that’s growing stronger together.”
To support neighbours stay connected, healthy and active, Nuku Ora will continue to host fun activities with Kāinga Ora over the next year.
“Our partnership with Kāinga Ora reflects our commitment to fostering active living in our communities,” adds Nuku Ora CEO Andrew Leslie. “Together, we recognise that creating opportunities for physical activity close to where people live leads to greater success than those requiring travel. This collaboration ensures that more people can embrace healthier, more active lifestyles right in their own neighbourhoods.”
Since the completion of homes on Iorns Street North, Kāinga Ora has been working closely with Emerge Aotearoa to create initiatives that benefit customers who live in homes surrounding the green space.
“This is a great example of what can be achieved through strong local partnership,” Vicki McLaren says, “It’s been a really humbling to be a part of this locally driven initiative, which supports our customers to build strong connections within their community.”

Tamariki playing on equipment from the new shared playbox
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Page updated: 16 December 2024